Thursday, August 14, 2008

Angry Old Man

This was tooooo funny not to post.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Animal Men in Nigeria

The picture shows men and children with hyenas, baboons and dogs on leashes. People that carry these animals on leashes are generally drug dealers, money collectors or street thugs.

Wonder Berry

This wonder berry (Synsepalum dulcificum) temporarily neutralizes your sour and bitter taste buds. This make virtually anything (even the most disgusting things) taste good, or at worst palatable.

Elevated Dining

I would be to nervous to make it worthwhile.
If you're going to catch cancer...don't catch a cold at the same time.

Every bedroom should have....

Though you may wake up with a sore back and strained eyes....
If you ever find yourself in a business meeting in Japan...Bruno Taut - German architect.